
Blog (Page 3)

The Impact of Substance Abuse on Cognitive Function

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, you might notice changes in things like: Memory Response Time Decision Making These all represent signs of the impact of drug abuse on the brain. addiction changes the brain function by overriding regions of the brain connected to responsible decision making and enhancing... ❯❯❯

Exploring the Benefits of Talk Therapy

If you are looking for treatment for addiction or mental health disorders, one of the primary parts of your recovery plan will include talk therapy. But what is talk therapy? And are there any benefits to it? What is Talk Therapy? Talk therapy refers to a large category of psychotherapy, like cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical... ❯❯❯

Aligning Comfort: The Transformative Benefits of Chiropractic Care for TMJ and Jaw Pain

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) and jaw pain can significantly impact daily life, from hindering basic functions like eating and talking to causing chronic discomfort. While conventional treatments often focus on symptomatic relief, chiropractic care in Johnston, Iowa offers a holistic approach by addressing the underlying... ❯❯❯

Traveling with Dialysis: Real-life Struggles and Solutions

Introduction Going on a trip should be exciting, a chance to see new places and make great memories. But for people dealing with dialysis, each trip comes with its own set of challenges. The desire to explore is still there, but the complications can sometimes make it challenging. In this article, we will talk about the real struggles... ❯❯❯

Art Therapy for Relapse Prevention

For many decades, drug and alcohol rehab involved talk therapy exclusively. Clients would be asked questions and communicate with their therapist, and maybe find the underlying causes of their addiction and some coping strategies. Today, those methods have evolved to include holistic programs that enable emotional understanding and... ❯❯❯

Motivational Interviewing: A Tool for Behavioral Change in Addiction

Part of addiction treatment is learning the way your behaviors are affected by the chronic use of drugs and/or alcohol and undergoing treatment methods that work to rewire that thinking. Addiction is a chronic disease that affects the human brain in the same way other diseases may affect other organs in the body; the brain circuits... ❯❯❯

Using SMART Goals in Maintaining Sobriety

Maintaining sobriety following treatment can be challenging, but it is an achievable goal that can be made easier by using SMART goals. SMART Recovery goals can be an effective tool in helping you stay on track throughout your recovery. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound. These... ❯❯❯

Preventing Burnout Among Mental Health and Addiction Professionals Preventing Burnout Among Mental Health and Addiction Professionals

Mental health and addiction professionals are at a high risk of burnout or compassion fatigue. This can happen when people don't take care of themselves and experience secondary traumatic stress because of those they are helping. It can lead to feelings of exhaustion, cynical attitudes about work, and a sense that no matter what you are... ❯❯❯

Understanding The Challenges Of Addiction Recovery

Embarking on the journey of addiction recovery is no easy task. Throughout this process, one of the obstacles individuals encounter is navigating through triggers and cravings. Triggers encompass situations, people, or emotions that spark a strong desire to use drugs or alcohol. Cravings are intense urges to engage in substance use. It... ❯❯❯

Unlocking the Power of Natural Remedies

Unlocking the Power of Natural RemediesIn a world dominated by modern medicine, it's easy to overlook the power of natural remedies. These age-old techniques have been used for centuries to promote health and wellbeing. Natural remedies offer a holistic approach to healing, addressing the root causes of illness rather than simply treating symptoms. From herbal teas to... ❯❯❯

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